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Credit Resource - Overview

A Credit is the core object in a portfolio. A Credit is always attached to one Project. Since a Credit represents a specific economic activity that maintains compliance with one Incentive Program, it also means that a Credit is always linked to one Incentive Program. One or more (or none) Utilizations can be attached to a credit, as Utilizations represent individual monetization events of a Credit.


The API supports the following methods for Credit resources:

  • List:
    • Returns a list of Credits that match the API request parameters. For example, you can retrieve all Credits that the API Credentials have access to, or you can filter the list of Credits based on certain parameters. Learn More

Resource Representation

The following JSON structure shows the format of a Credit resource:

"id": integer,
"created_at": string (RFC 3339 Format - 2022-05-03T17:13:44Z),
"updated_at": string (RFC 3339 Format - 2022-05-03T17:13:44Z),
"status": string,
"account": {
"id": integer,
"title": string,
"created_by": {
"id": integer,
"first_name": string,
"last_name": string,
"email": string,
"project": {
"id": integer,
"title": string,
"incentive_program": {
"title": string,
"jurisdiction": {
"code": string,
"name": string,
"name_full": string,
"level": string,
"gps_lng": float,
"gps_lat": float,
"geographic_levels": {
"country": {
"code": string,
"name": string,
"province": {
"code": string,
"name": string,
"county": {},
"town": {},
"incentive_settings": {
"type": string,
"carry_forward_years": integer,
"legislative_framework": string,
"jurisdiction": {
"code": string,
"name": string,
"name_full": string,
"level": string,
"gps_lng": float,
"gps_lat": float,
"geographic_levels": {
"country": {
"code": string,
"name": string
"province": {
"code": string,
"name": string,
"county": {
"code": string,
"name": string,
"town": {
"code": string,
"name": string,
"local_currency": {
"code": string,
"name": string,
"html_code": string,
"hex_code": string,
"unicode": string,
"amount": {
"status": string,
"usd": {
"gross_total": integer,
"gross_utilized": integer,
"gross_remaining": integer,
"budgeted_exchange_rate": float,
"estimated_discount_total": float,
"net_total": float,
"local": {
"gross_total": float,
"gross_utilized": float,
"gross_remaining": float,
"amount_initial_estimate": {
"gross_total": float,
"budgeted_exchange_rate": float,
"estimated_discount_total": float,
"variance": {
"actual_to_initial": {
"base_amount_due_to_exchange_rate": integer,
"base_amount_due_to_local_amount": integer,
"base_credit_amount_total": float
"credit_amount_percentage": integer,
"vintage_tax_year": integer,
"legal_entity": {
"id": integer,
"title": string,
"site": {
"id": integer,
"title": string,
"address": string,
"gps_lng": float,
"gps_lat": float,
"notes_general": string,
"group_name": string,
"activity_budget": float,
"qualified_expenditures": float,
"rate_of_incentive": float,
"type_of_work": string,
"date_certification_initial": string (format YYYY-MM-DD),
"date_certification_final_estimated": string (format YYYY-MM-DD),
"date_certification_final_actual": string (format YYYY-MM-DD),
"date_activity_start": date,
"date_activity_end": date,
"date_audit_start": date,
"date_audit_end": date,
"date_credit_expiration_date": string (format YYYY-MM-DD),
"status_certification": string,
"status_monetization": string,
"status_audit": string,
"status_credit": string,
"status_notes": string,
"id": integer,
"name": string,
"type": string,
"value": string,
"item_count": integer
"compliance": {
"start_year": integer,
"number_of_years": integer,
"id": integer,
"name": string,
"type": string,
"status": string,
"threshold_due_date": string (format YYYY-MM-DD),
"threshold_value_expected": string,
"threshold_value_actual": string,
"alert_start_days": integer,
"alert_start_date": string (format YYYY-MM-DD),
"in_alert_phase": boolean,
"note": string,
"date_completed": string (format YYYY-MM-DD),,
"completed_by_name": string,
"documents_count": integer,

Resource Properties

The following table defines the properties that appear in this resource:

idintegerThe ID of the Credit.
created_atstringThe date and time that the Credit was created. The value is specified in RFC 3339 Format (2022-05-03T17:13:44Z).
updated_atstringThe date and time that the Credit was last updated. The value is specified in RFC 3339 Format (2022-05-03T17:13:44Z).
statusstringOverall status of the Credit. Potential values are: Pipeline, Active, Archived, Abandoned.
accountobjectContains information about the Incentify account this Credit is attached to.
account.idintegerThe ID of the Incentify account that owns this Credit.
account.titlestringThe name of the Incentify account that owns this Credit.
created_byobjectContains information about the user that loaded this Credit.
created_by.idintegerThe ID of the user that loaded this Credit.
created_by.first_namestringThe first name of the user who loaded this Credit.
created_by.last_namestringThe last name of the user who loaded this Credit.
created_by.emailstringThe email address of the user who loaded this Credit.
projectobjectContains information about the Project.
project.idintegerThe ID of the Project.
project.titlestringThe name of the Project.
incentive_programobjectContains information about the Incentive Program this Credit is attached to.
incentive_program.idintegerThe ID of the Incentive Program.
incentive_program.titlestringThe name of the Incentive Program.
incentive_program.jurisdictionobjectContains information about the Jurisdiction of which the Incentive Program is attached to.
incentive_program.jurisdiction.idintegerThe ID of the Jurisdiction.
incentive_program.jurisdiction.codestringThe common "short code" of the state/country of the Jurisdiction.
incentive_program.jurisdiction.namestringThe name of the Jurisdiction (ie; California).
incentive_program.jurisdiction.name_fullstringThe name of the Jurisdiction, including full geography (ie; California, United States).
incentive_program.jurisdiction.levelstringThe geographic level of the Jurisdiction (Potential values: Country, Province, County, Town).
incentive_program.jurisdiction.gps_lngfloatThe GPS longitude point of the Jurisdiction.
incentive_program.jurisdiction.gps_latfloatThe GPS latitude point of the Jurisdiction.
incentive_program.jurisdiction.google_place_idstringThe Google Place ID of the Jurisdiction.
incentive_program.jurisdiction.geographic_levelsobjectContains information about the "geographic levels" of this Jurisdiction (Country, Province, County, Town).
incentive_settingsobjectContains selections related to the Incentive Program specific only for this Credit.
incentive_settings.typestringThe program type, which values are configurable by the customer (ie; Refundable, Rebate, etc).
incentive_settings.carry_forward_yearsintegerThe number of year the program can be carried forward.
incentive_settings.legislative_frameworkstringThe type of the program framework (ie; Statutory, Discretionary or Negotiated).
jurisdictionobjectContains information about the Jurisdiction of which the Credit is specific to. This MAY be different than the Jurisdiction the Incentive Program is attached to.
jurisdiction.idintegerThe ID of the Jurisdiction.
jurisdiction.codestringThe common "short code" of the state/country of the Jurisdiction.
jurisdiction.namestringThe name of the Jurisdiction (ie; California).
jurisdiction.name_fullstringThe name of the Jurisdiction, including full geography (ie; California, United States).
jurisdiction.levelstringThe geographic level of the Jurisdiction (Potential values: Country, Province, County, Town).
jurisdiction.gps_lngfloatThe GPS longitude point of the Jurisdiction.
jurisdiction.gps_latfloatThe GPS latitude point of the Jurisdiction.
jurisdiction.google_place_idstringThe Google Place ID of the Jurisdiction.
jurisdiction.geographic_levelsobjectContains information about the "geographic levels" of this Jurisdiction (Country, Province, County, Town).
local_currencyobjectContains information about the Local Currency.
local_currency.codestringThe local currency code (ie; USD, CAD, EUR, etc)
local_currency.namestringThe local currency name (ie; United States Dollar, etc)
local_currency.html_codestringThe local currency HTML Code.
local_currency.hex_codestringThe local currency Hex Code.
local_currency.unicodestringThe local currency Unicode.
amountobjectContains information about the Credit Amount.
amount.statusstringCan be either "Estimated" or "Final".
amount.usdobjectContains information about the Credit Amount in USD.
amount.usd.gross_totalfloatThe total gross "face value" of the Credit in USD.
amount.usd.gross_utilizedfloatThe total amount utilized ("actualized") of gross "face value" of the Credit in USD.
amount.usd.gross_remainingfloatThe total amount remaining (not utilized or "actualized") of gross "face value" of the Credit in USD.
amount.usd.budgeted_exchange_ratefloatThe Budgeted Exchange Rate of the Credit.
amount.usd.estimated_discount_totalfloatThe total amount discounted (ie; due to fees, discount on transferable credit sales, etc) in USD.
amount.usd.net_totalfloatThe total net value of the Credit in USD (Gross minus the total amount discounted) in USD.
amount.localobjectContains information about the Credit Amount in Local Currency.
amount.local.gross_totalfloatThe total gross "face value" of the Credit in Local Currency.
amount.local.gross_utilizedfloatThe total amount utilized ("actualized") of gross "face value" of the Credit in Local Currency.
amount.local.gross_remainingfloatThe total amount remaining (not utilized or "actualized") of gross "face value" of the Credit in Local Currency.
amount_initial_estimateobjectContains information about the initial estimate of the Credit Amount in Local Currency.
amount_initial_estimate.gross_totalfloatThe total initial estimate of the gross "face value" of the Credit in Local Currency.
amount_initial_estimate.gross_utilizedfloatThe total initial estimate of the amount utilized ("actualized") of gross "face value" of the Credit in Local Currency.
amount_initial_estimate.gross_remainingfloatThe total initial estimate of the amount remaining (not utilized or "actualized") of gross "face value" of the Credit in Local Currency.
variance.actual_to_initial.base_amount_due_to_exchange_rateintegerVariance in base/USD credit amount due to adjustments made to exchange rate from the initial estimate to the current/actual.
variance.actual_to_initial.base_amount_due_to_local_amountintegerVariance in base/USD credit amount due to adjustments made to the local amount from the initial estimate to the current/actual.
variance.actual_to_initial.base_credit_amount_totalintegerTotal variance in base/USD credit amount due to any adjustments made from the initial estimate to the current/actual.
variance.actual_to_initial.credit_amount_percentageintegerPercentage representation of the total variance in base/USD credit amount due to any adjustments made from the initial estimate to the current/actual to the total initial value.
vintage_tax_yearintegerThe first usable tax year of the Credit.
legal_entityobjectContains information about the Legal Entity that is the "owner" of this Credit.
legal_entity.idintegerThe ID of the Legal Entity.
legal_entity.titlestringThe company name of the Legal Entity.
siteobjectContains information about the Site (ie; location, such as a manufacturing facility) that this Credit is related to.
site.idintegerThe ID of the Site.
site.titlestringThe name of the Site (ie; New York Headquarters, etc).
site.addressstringThe street address of the Site.
site.gps_lngfloatThe GPS longitude point.
site.gps_latfloatThe GPS latitude point.
notes_generalstringGeneral credit notes.
group_namestringGroup name of credit.
activity_budgetfloatThe budget allocated to this Credit.
qualified_expendituresfloatThe qualified expenditures of the activity budget for this Credit.
rate_of_incentivefloatThe rate of incentive, in decimal format, of the activity budget for this Credit (ie; 0.3 means it is a 30% rate of incentive).
type_of_workstringA short tag that defines what type of work this Credit is related to.
date_certification_initialdateInitial certification date. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
date_certification_final_estimateddateEstimated final certification date. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
date_certification_final_actualdateActual final certification date. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
date_activity_startdateThe date the Credit activity will/did start. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
date_activity_enddateThe date the Credit activity will/did end. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
date_audit_startdateThe date the Credit audit will/did start. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
date_audit_enddateThe date the Credit audit will/did end. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
date_credit_expiration_datedateThe date the Credit will expire and can no longer be utilized/monetized. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
status_certificationstringThe phase (or status) of the Certification process. The possible values of this are entirely configurable by the customer.
status_monetizationstringThe phase (or status) of the Monetization process. The possible values of this are entirely configurable by the customer.
status_auditstringThe phase (or status) of the Audit process. The possible values of this are entirely configurable by the customer.
status_creditstringThe phase (or status) of the Credit activity. This is different than the "status" property, which is a system-set, non-configurable status. The values of "Credit Status" are entirely configurable by the customer.
status_notesstringNotes specific to the overall status of the Credit.
custom_data_points[]listContains a list of custom data points (ie; not system default fields). Therefore, the format of each is included in the data. "id" is the unique ID of the custom data point. "name" is the visual name of the field. "type" is the format (ie; string, date, etc). "value" is the value entered for that custom data point.
utilizationsobjectContains summary information of Utilizations attached (see the Utilizations Resource).
utilizations.item_countintegerThe number of Utilizations attached to the Credit (if greater than zero, you can then make a request to the Utilizations Resource with the Credit ID to get a list of those Utilizations.
compliance.start_yearintegerThe first year of the compliance milestones.
compliance.number_of_yearsintegerThe number of years the compliance milestones span starting from the first year of compliance.
compliance.milestones[]listContains a list of compliance items set forth by the attached Compliance Template.
compliance.milestones[].idintegerID of the Compliance Item.
compliance.milestones[].namestringName of the Compliance Item (ie: New Jobs Created).
compliance.milestones[].typestringType, or format, of the Compliance Item (ie: number, currency, yesno, etc).
compliance.milestones[].statusstringStatus values can be: Pending, In Progress, Completed and Cancelled
compliance.milestones[].threshold_due_datedateDate the Compliance Item is due in order to remain compliant. Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
compliance.milestones[].threshold_value_expectedstringThe value that must be achieved for the Compliance Item in order to remain compliant.
compliance.milestones[].threshold_value_actualstringThe actual value achieved, as compared to the expected threshold value.
compliance.milestones[].alert_start_daysintegerThe actual value achieved, as compared to the expected threshold value.
compliance.milestones[].alert_start_datedateThe first date the "alert phase" should be evaluated. This is calculated as "alert_start_days" before the "threshold_due_date". Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
compliance.milestones[].in_alert_phasebooleanWill be "true" if the date is after the "alert_start_date" and the milestone has (a) not met the threshold and (b) still active (ie; status is "pending" or "in progress").
compliance.milestones[].notestringThe general textual information in the "note" field managed by users.
compliance.milestones[].date_completedstringThe date a user marked the compliance milestone as "completed". Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
compliance.milestones[].completed_by_namestringThe name (first name last name) of the user who marked the compliance milestone as "completed".
compliance.milestones[].documents_countstringThe total number of documents uploaded to the compliance milestone.