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Utilization Resource - Overview

A Utilization is attached to one Credit. More than one Utilization can be attached to a Credit. Utilizations represent the monetization events of the Credit they are attached to. Utilizations can be "estimated" (ie; forecasted monetization in the future) or "actual" (ie; already monetized).


The API supports the following methods for Utilization resources:

  • List:
    • Returns a list of Utilizations that match the API request parameters. For example, you can retrieve all Projects that the API Credentials have access to, or you can filter the list of Utilizations based on certain parameters. Learn More

Resource Representation

The following JSON structure shows the format of a Utilization resource:

"id": integer,
"created_at": string (RFC 3339 Format - 2022-05-03T17:13:44Z),
"updated_at": string (RFC 3339 Format - 2022-05-03T17:13:44Z),
"status": string,
"type": string,
"account": {
"id": integer,
"title": string,
"created_by": {
"id": integer,
"first_name": string,
"last_name": string,
"email": string,
"project": {
"id": integer,
"title": string,
"credit": {
"id": integer,
"local_currency": {
"code": string,
"name": string,
"html_code": string,
"hex_code": string,
"unicode": string,
"estimate": {
"date": string (format YYYY-MM-DD),
"amount": {
"usd": {
"gross_total": float,
"exchange_rate": float,
"discounted_value_as_percentage": float,
"discount_total": float,
"net_total": float,
"local": {
"gross_total": float,
"actual": {
"date": string (format YYYY-MM-DD),
"amount": {
"usd": {
"gross_total": float,
"exchange_rate": float,
"discounted_value_as_percentage": float,
"discount_total": float,
"net_total": float,
"local": {
"gross_total": float,
"current_percentage_of_credit_amount": integer,
"variance": {
"actual_to_estimate": {
"base_amount": integer,
"base_amount_percentage": integer
"notes": string,
"legal_entity": {
"id": integer,
"title": string,
"site": {
"id": integer,
"title": string,
"address": string,
"gps_lng": float,
"gps_lat": float,
"id": integer,
"name": string,
"type": string,
"value": string,

Resource Properties

The following table defines the properties that appear in this resource:

idintegerThe ID of the Utilization.
created_atstringThe date and time that the Utilization was created. The value is specified in RFC 3339 Format (2022-05-03T17:13:44Z).
updated_atstringThe date and time that the Utilization was last updated. The value is specified in RFC 3339 Format (2022-05-03T17:13:44Z).
statusstringWhether this Utilization is Estimated (not yet monetized) or Actual (has been monetized).
accountobjectContains information about the Incentify account this Utilization is attached to.
account.idintegerThe ID of the Incentify account that owns this Utilization.
account.titlestringThe name of the Incentify account that owns this Utilization.
created_byobjectContains information about the user that loaded this Utilization.
created_by.idintegerThe ID of the user that loaded this Utilization.
created_by.first_namestringThe first name of the user who loaded this Utilization.
created_by.last_namestringThe last name of the user who loaded this Utilization.
created_by.emailstringThe email address of the user who loaded this Utilization.
projectobjectContains information about the Project this Utilization is attached to.
project.idintegerThe ID of the Project.
project.titlestringThe name of the Project.
creditobjectContains information about the Credit this Utilization is attached to.
credit.idintegerThe ID of the Credit.
local_currencyobjectContains information about the Local Currency.
local_currency.codestringThe local currency code (ie; USD, CAD, EUR, etc)
local_currency.namestringThe local currency name (ie; United States Dollar, etc)
local_currency.html_codestringThe local currency HTML Code.
local_currency.hex_codestringThe local currency Hex Code.
local_currency.unicodestringThe local currency Unicode.
estimateobjectContains information about the estimated Utilization.
estimate.datedateThe estimated date of utilization. Format is yyy-mm-dd.
estimate.amountobjectContains information about the estimated Utilization Amount.
estimate.amount.usdobjectContains information about the estimated Utilization Amount in USD.
estimate.amount.usd.gross_totalfloatThe total estimated gross "face value" of the Utilization in USD.
estimate.amount.usd.exchange_ratefloatThe estimated Exchange Rate of the Utilization.
estimate.amount.usd.discounted_value_as_percentagefloatThe estimated percentage of the total amount discounted (ie; due to fees, discount on transferable credit sales, etc) of the Utilization.
estimate.amount.usd.discount_totalfloatThe estimated total amount discounted (ie; due to fees, discount on transferable credit sales, etc) of the Utilization in USD.
estimate.amount.usd.net_totalfloatThe estimated total net value of the Utilization in USD (Gross minus the total amount discounted) in USD.
estimate.localobjectContains information about the estimated Utilization Amount in Local Currency.
estimate.local.gross_totalfloatThe total estimated gross "face value" of the Utilization in Local Currency.
actualobjectContains information about the actual Utilization.
actual.datedateThe actual date of utilization. Format is yyy-mm-dd.
actual.amountobjectContains information about the actual Utilization Amount.
actual.amount.usdobjectContains information about the actual Utilization Amount in USD.
actual.amount.usd.gross_totalfloatThe total actual gross "face value" of the Utilization in USD.
actual.amount.usd.exchange_ratefloatThe actual Exchange Rate of the Utilization.
actual.amount.usd.discounted_value_as_percentagefloatThe actual percentage of the total amount discounted (ie; due to fees, discount on transferable credit sales, etc) of the Utilization.
actual.amount.usd.discount_totalfloatThe actual total amount discounted (ie; due to fees, discount on transferable credit sales, etc) of the Utilization in USD.
actual.amount.usd.net_totalfloatThe actual total net value of the Utilization in USD (Gross minus the total amount discounted) in USD.
actual.localobjectContains information about the actual Utilization Amount in Local Currency.
actual.local.gross_totalfloatThe total actual gross "face value" of the Utilization in Local Currency.
current_percentage_of_credit_amountintegerThe percentage of the total credit amount a utilization amount represents.
variance.actual_to_estimate.base_amountintegerVariance from the initial estimate in base/USD due to all adjustments to amount, exchange rate and discounts.
variance.actual_to_estimate.base_amount_percentageintegerThe variance expressed as a percentage of the "variance > actual_to_estimate > base_amount" compared to the current actual amount.
notesstringGeneral Utilization notes.
legal_entityobjectContains information about the Legal Entity that is the "owner" of this Credit.
legal_entity.idintegerThe ID of the Legal Entity.
legal_entity.titlestringThe company name of the Legal Entity.
siteobjectContains information about the Site (ie; location, such as a manufacturing facility) that this Credit is related to.
site.idintegerThe ID of the Site.
site.titlestringThe name of the Site (ie; New York Headquarters, etc).
site.addressstringThe street address of the Site.
site.gps_lngfloatThe GPS longitude point.
site.gps_latfloatThe GPS latitude point.
custom_data_points[]listContains a list of custom data points (ie; not system default fields). Therefore, the format of each is included in the data. "id" is the unique ID of the custom data point. "name" is the visual name of the field. "type" is the format (ie; string, date, etc). "value" is the value entered for that custom data point.